In The Flux is an online space for those interested in vegan, cruelty-free, and ethical living.

Whether you’re a new or established vegan, interested in cruelty-free living, or are just wanting to live more ethically overall, we hope to inspire and support anyone at any point in their journey with our resources and information.

About The Author

My journey first started at the age of five when I decided to go vegetarian after a school field trip to a local farm. After seeing where the animals lived before their eventual death, I couldn’t understand why people would still choose to eat these living beings. This decision was a no-brainer for me.

Eventually, at around the age of 13 or 14, it finally clicked and I had the privilege to finally go vegan and cruelty-free. Almost a decade later, I’m still happily and proudly vegan and cruelty-free, and have since acquired many similar interests like eco-friendly, ethical, and mindful living.

Furthermore, I hope to use my passion and expertise to help others implement more ethical and conscious decisions into their own lives.

– Payton

To Our Readers

First and foremost, thank you for stopping by. We hope you find In The Flux to be an inclusive and educating space for all.

If you’d like to reach out to us, you can send us an email at We also have a Ko-Fi page which helps keep In The Flux up and running.

Happy reading!